Some years ago, I started to dream a bout having my own garden, after many years sharing, or helping out some friends and family with theirs. 2 years ago I finally had the opportunity to dig my own one! I started with 2 super small patches, and some pots with herbs. It didn´t work out super well, reasons like a dry summer, I didn´t really know how much I should have watered, I didn´t work the soil enough before planting, and I planted to late.. So til the next year, I was better, I had more to go on. I worked the soil better, made a bigger patch, and planted some seeds inside before putting them out, and I got to know a neighbor who helped me watering when I was away from home!
This year there is new conditions, a possibility to have an even bigger garden. ( almost endless of possibilities! ).We are now based in Norway, one a old small farm (but it was many years ago it was a farm) Everyone asks, why middle of Norway?: well, it is a good compromise of what we want and need. Anyway.
When I have an interest I try to learn, I loan books from the library, google and write down interesting and new knowledge. Now I do this about planting, soil, composts, sustainable farming, and so on. I remember how I was around 8 years ago, about running, I could read everything! So this is what I have been doing now, reading about these subjects, but I think to really learn and understand, it´s not enough to only read. I need to practice and experience it before I feel I understand.
So some days ago I started to dig the biggest patch we will have for this summer in the garden and I also started a big kind of open compost, and prepared 2 other patches. This is not finished yet, though.. I have some more days until it should be good if it´s finished!
This excites me as much as when I made a plan for my training 8 years ago.. Then it was prehab, uphill running, stretching, control, meters, times etc. Now it´s “when to plant, plant inside, plant outside, the quality of the soil and so on. This is so fun! And learning by doing. We make a plan, try, adjust, try again and somehow it will work. Or not. But then we learn. And change.
Time will just show, and until next year I will have gained much more experience, seen some mistakes, and seen some achievements.
For me this is a nice way of looking to new knowledge and goal settings. It´s a big part of curiosity, trying and learning and the urge to reach some goals. But I have in mind that it might not work out.
Exactly as with running. Or anything I guess!