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Recipes from a mountain lover

Carrot bread

By January 4, 2015February 21st, 2025No Comments


This is a recipe with inspiration from Underbara Clara- A Swedish blogger. She is a inspiration!

5 dl liquid. I prefer half milk half water, or sometimes when I have some old milk (old milk is super good to bake with!) I use that.

50 gram yeast

3 carrots (you need to grate them into small pieces!)

0,5 dl olive oil

2 dl oats

2 dl rye flour

6-8 dl wheat flour

2 spoons of honey

some salt

1 dl of sun seeds, linseed or whatever you might have at home!

To do !

1. Warm the milk to 37 degrees, add the yeast.

2. Add salt, honey, olive oil and the carrots, stir it.

3. Add almost all the flour, but the dough should not be to solid. Let the dough rise for around 1/2 hour.

4. Put baking paper on the owen plate, I brush it with a little oil, to be sure the bread don´t glue

5. Put the dough in the plate, make it smooth. Let it rise for 1/2 hour.

6. Set the owen at 220 degrees and bake the bread for 15 minutes. Before to put the bread in the owen, you can cut pieces of it. I normally cut around 16 pieces.


This is a super easy bread to make and with the pieces it´s easy to have in the freezer and just take a piece of bread every now and then to a yummie breakfast!




Mountain athlete, trail runner and ski mountaineer. Writer,mum and Co- founder of Living on a small farm in the Norwegian fjordlands!