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Energy back!

By February 2, 2014No Comments

An organic apple and cinnamon cake is baked in the owen and it´s soon ready. It´s snowing outside and it´s the first day I feel recovered from the gastroenteritis I got last weekend. So life is pretty good and I can´t complain!
Normally I would have done the 3 rd stage of the world cup this weekend but due to unsafe conditions the postponed the race one week. Which makes me unable to do the race due to my ticket home to Norway. It´a pity, because I wanted to make the whole world cup.
In the races before I have felt good. I need to improve alot. Which is pretty normal when I have only done this sport for 2 years. The more I learn the more I understand that it takes time to be better in the tecnique and to ”know” the racing. I also realise, again, that I love to feel that I need to improve. I need to to be motivated and stay focused and happy. It´s a nice feeling!

The first races I came 4 in the individual, and pretty close to the 3 rd. In some race I have been in front of her but in some she is in front of me. In the individual I was fighting again for a 4th position but I fell down and ended up as nr 6. Normally I should be stronger in vertical and to fall down in a uphill race is so stupid. That made me a bit disapointed. Disappointed from a racing point of view. As you know, racing is just racing 😉

The last weekend I was super motivated to make a better race, but during the race I got the gastro. Kilian had been bad for 3 days and I was hoping I had manage to escape from it, but I felt really bad, throwing up, feeling dissy and lack of energy during the whole race.
I manage to get a 5 th position, but with a time I normally wouldn´t have like to much.
Maybe I like to suffer, or I just don´t know when it´s too much, but I did the vertical on the Sunday as well. I hadn´t been eating since Saturday mornig, so I couldn´t really feel bad in the stomach. With nothing in it I mean!

I ate 4 candies before the race and it lasted for 27 minutes. I got 4. With a sprint in the end. I love sprints.
But after that weekedn I had absolutely nothing more. This week I have been really sick.

Now it´s time to get out on the skiis enjoy beeing healthy again. And enjoy to feel tired from training!
Afterwards a big bite of applecake with hot chocolate 🙂

Enjoy your sunday!


Mountain athlete, trail runner and ski mountaineer. Writer,mum and Co- founder of Living on a small farm in the Norwegian fjordlands!