Since I started racing for Salomon (3 peaks april 2012) I have felt that every race I do is something new and that I am a newbie on the race. For sure I have not yet repeated any race, so so in that way I am new to the races. But can I consider myself as a newbie with a racing calendar the last year contained more than 20 races?
I don´t know. I love racing and I feel very comfortable and not stressed at all. But I always feel very new and not very structured at all. People ask if I have a strategy or how I have prepared for this race and always need to make them disappointed, I have not a plan, I have not a strategy and I´m not prepared.
Maybe this sounds like I am very nonchalant. But I hope I am not and those who knows me now that me as a person is not nonchalant. I think I just am the way I need to be. Anyway. My approach to a race is to take is as it is. I always want to be fit and strong so I never have so big ups and downs in how my fitness level is. So normally I just go to the race and see what I can do with what I feel that day.
My first big race of the year is coming up the 11 of May. Transvulcania! 84 km and a lot of meters to climb. In some ways I can ask myself why I choose to start my season with this long race. But in other ways I can just nonchalant shrug my shoulders and say- it´s only 2 marathons.
Well well.
I think I am ready for my second season in this wonderful running world. And I will let myself being a newbie to all races I have never ran before..And I still will be open to learn new things in races, couse every race can teach you something new. So maybe everyone of us is new to all races in one way?
All the best!