0.1 liter honey
3 spoons of sunseed oil
0.25 liter water
0,5 liter oats
0,5 liter rye flings
0,2 liter quinoa flings
0,2 liter coconut flings
0,5 liter seeds linseeds, walmo, sunseed,
300 gram dried fruit and nuts
Put the owen at 200 celsius degrees
Mix honey, oil and water, warm it so everything blends together
Mix the rye , oats, quinoa and cocnut flings together
Spread the drye ingredients ina owen plate then drizzle the honey, oila and water over the dried ingredients.
Put in the owen for about 30 minutes stir in the granola every now and then.
After it has cooled down, add the dried fruits, seeds and the nuts.