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By December 3, 2013No Comments

I do believe that it´s always good to look at the bright side. Maybe I´m to good at it, and sometimes I forget to think about the side´s that are not as good as they can be.. But if we´re open to see what´s not that good, it´s easier to improve.

Things I want to improve:

Travelling, I want to decrease that amount: Flights- Make a better plan for the racing season. Car- try to use less, try to plan better with busses train, etc. Less speed in highways.

Only eat organic food. Not be lazy about that. Try to eat less imported food. More season vise. No half fabricates!

Be more open-minded, generous, and friendly.

Be less grumpy if things doesn´t work out the way I want them to do.

Improve my concentration.

My planning in general. Training etc.


Mountain athlete, trail runner and ski mountaineer. Writer,mum and Co- founder of Living on a small farm in the Norwegian fjordlands!