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Recipes from a mountain lover

Moonvalley Smallfarming

By October 15, 2019February 21st, 2025No Comments

When I was 19 years old I was looking to buy an old farm in my home area, Höga Kusten, Sweden. I was already then fascinated to live close to the nature following the seasons and grow my own food. Life took me on other roads, university, mountains, and my athlete career, but I have tried to take time to pick berries, have a small garden or shared a garden with friends.

It means so much to spend time outside not only training, but to invest in the land, working for the food on the table.

After a few years in the Chamonix valley, Kilian and I decided to move up north again. Romsdalen is a beautiful valley with warmer summer than Tromsö. I love watching the seasons come and go. Spring is a beautiful one with snow in the mountains but the valley is so warm and full of life. This is the time to prepare and plant the veggies. It´s time to collect wild herbs and weeds! 

Late summer, when the garden is full of yummy vegetables, now the reward from all the work earlier. the feeling of picking your own dinner is wonderful. For sure it´s a lot of work, but the work feels so good in a natural way. In the same way I think that we are made to move our bodies, running or walking, the same I think we are made to collect and harvest our food. It´s in our DNA.

Here is a typical dinner with the base from the garden. Roasted root veggies with a big sallad made of green leaves, spinach, greenkale, broccoli cauliflower. Patties made of beans and mushrooms, pesto made from wild herbs and weeds, sourdough bread and a carrot red lentil hummus. Yummie! this does not take very long to do! The root veggies and the patties are baked/ rosted in the oven!

When the late autumn arrives, all the veggies have been stored or taken care of. We have a root cellar where we store all root veggies, and jam, syrup etc. And it´s time to tuck the veggie patches in for the long winter, cover them in compost, leaves and grass. And to plant the garlic!

Things to be fixed on a farm. Life goal for me is to learn to be handy.And the snow that covers the landscape during the winter makes the feeling of resting. After a long year it´s now time to recover. To stay in, make fire, bake bread, enjoying the whole year that is soon coming to an end.

I love the season live in our little moonvalley farm.



Mountain athlete, trail runner and ski mountaineer. Writer,mum and Co- founder of Living on a small farm in the Norwegian fjordlands!