With a wish to bake and the fact that I had no bread at home I baked this simple bread. Even though it would be very easy to run down to the bakery and buy a good bread. I love french bread. If it´s from a good bakery 🙂 !
Anyway here is the recipe.
3,5 dl rye flour
1 dl Chick peas flour (if you don´t have this, just take more of rye, or almond flour etc.)
1 dl oats
1 dl chooped hazelnuts
1dl walnuts
2 dl seeds ( I used sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds and linseeds.)4,5- 5 dl water
a little salt
2 table spoons of oil ( put some of this in the form you will bake the bread in)
2 teaspoons of bicarbonate ( if you want you can add 25 gram of yeast, but then you need to let it ferment for 30 around minutes. I tried both and it works both :))
1,5 dl yoghurt ( I had some yoghurt that started to be old, that´s why I used it 🙂 If you don´t want this, just add a little more water.
As flavour I used whole seedes of fennel. Sometimes I add 1 spoon of honey if I prefer a little sweet touch.
Set the owen at 250 degrees.
Mix all the dry ingredients, add water and stir.
Put in in the form. (I used a form that is 1,4 liter so that´s enough)
Bake it in the owen! When you put the bread in the owen, lower the temperature to 200 degrees. Bake it for 50 min- 1 hour.