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San juan- vagabond life!

By December 21, 2013No Comments

Today is a snowy day, the first since we started our mountain tour in the camper van. The last day´s have been fantastic in so many ways. First, I love the spartan life you live when you live from a van. I feel like the work you need to do to be convenient in the everyday life makes me better somehow. You realize how much water you actually need everyday and you realize that a warm house, warm bed and wifi is super deluxe. I need to have some month every year like this.

The other thing that have made this staying so good is that I actually have been able to train as much as I want. Because since Diagonal des Fous (my first 100!!) I have not trained much. I had some weeks off, and then again some weeks off, due to a flu, so since middle of October until The North face 50 miler I had maybe 10 days of normal and good training. Skiing. Not running. So it is a big big pleasure to be able to feel strong and in the mood for training again! Skiing and not running!

The third thing that make this Vagabond life so good is that the time I spend in the mountains is so big!

Fourth: I think I am on the right way to learn to do some proper skimo. Last year was my first year and I just did it. This year I recently learned the theroy of the right way to do the “conversion kicks”. I don´t know though how long it will take me to apply on in real.. But it is a first step. I also learned the theory of small turn skiing (when it´s steep), and also that I need to have little more weight on the down skii.

Right now we are in San Juan mountains. I love this place. The villages are small and cute, pretty touristic but ay it does not matter they are small! The mountains here are a little like the alps. More alpine and steep, more narrow ridges and a lot of fun to explore. So far this is the most wonderful area I´ve ever seen in America. If this was in Europe I would have bought my self some land here and settled down for good.

And what about running? Well it´s winter and normally in the wintertime I don´t do running. Becasue it is not possible to run on trails or in mountains. I will start to run again in about 5 months:)

Hippie happy huggy love,



Mountain athlete, trail runner and ski mountaineer. Writer,mum and Co- founder of Living on a small farm in the Norwegian fjordlands!