And that is not even half of the ingredients..
I love making bread with a lot of nut´s seeds and gluten free flour. But I almost never exclude 100 % wheat.
Here the base is wheat sourdough, but maybe just 0,3 liter dough.
So here is the recipe of this vitamin filled autumn bread 🙂
0,3 liter sourdough (this was a new sourdough, had only been standing for 2 day´s so I added a little extra yeast, but for this kind of bread it´s almost not necessary)
0,4 liter water
Here comes the difficult measure, I almost never use measurements. So this is approximately:
2 dl chickpea flour
2 dl oats
1 dl coconut flour
Hazelnuts, walnuts and pumpkin seeds altogether maybe 1,5- 2 dl
2 table spoons of beetroot powder
2 tablespoons of lingonberry powder
a little salt
a little honey
Gojjiberries and fresh figs as you prefer. I took ca 3 table spoons gojjieberries and 5 fresh figs.
I baked it at 180 celsius degrees for around 13 minutes.
And when I do this kind of bread I make them in this shape, otherwise it´s easy to break into small pieces when you cut it. So in this shape it´s easy to experiment with different kind of flours and seeds.